Mayan notes

To understand the significance of the Tzolkin, we need to realize that  the Maya consider the center of our Milky Way galaxy to be a cosmically conscious source of energy and intelligence orchestrating the  evolution of all life on Earth. They believe we need to align ourselves consciously and prayerfully with this source in order to live in harmony with its deepest spiritual directives. Divining what those spiritual directives are, is primarily a matter of inner spiritual work involving learning, and applying, ancient metaphysical arts and sciences associated with the galactic realm. Inevitably, this engages us in some way with the Tzolkin calendar.

Maya consider the Tzolkin to be a universal spiritual tool capable of transmitting to humanity, cosmic messages emanating from galactic center, what they call Hunab Ku. Essentially, the Tzolkin is a 260 unit matrix of symbols derived from 20 meaning-laden hieroglyphs and 13 sacred numbers. These 260 combinations reveal through their interconnectedness, a cosmic web of spiritual essences palpable to human emotion. This occurs through the phenomenon of sympathetic resonance, or re-sounding. Through resonance, an immediate similarity and correlation between the perceived events of a person's life, and the symbolic events of the Tzolkin can be understood.

The Long Count end date on December  21st,  2012  A.D. highlights an astronomical alignment determined by precession.  alignment occurs when the winter solstice sun conjuncts the crossing point of Milky Way and ecliptic in Sagittarius. This point is where the "dark rift" in the Milky Way is, which was known to the ancient Maya as xibalba be (the  Road to Underworld) or simply "the Black Road." Linda Schele identifies the nearby crossing point of Milky Way and ecliptic as the Mayan  Sacred Tree, and the modern Quiche call that spot  "Crossroads."

In  Mayan myth, the winter solstice sun corresponds  to  the deity  One Hunahpu, also known as First Father. The Mayan Sacred Book,  the Popol Vuh, is all about setting the stage so that  the Hero Twins' father (One Hunahpu) can be reborn, thus a new  World Age. The dark rift has many mythic identities:  it  is the  Black  Road;  it  is  the xibalba  be  (the Road  to   the Underworld);  it is a crevice in the branches of the cosmic  tree (the  Milky  Way); it is the mouth of the Cosmic Monster  (often portrayed as a frog, jaguar or snake with tree-like features); it is  the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother. , the  dark-rift is  best understood as the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother,  who we may call First Mother, to First Father. In this way we  can  trace  how these various metaphors are  found  in  Mayan Creation Mythology. the date of this alignment is, again, the end date of the 13-baktun Great Cycle - a cycle of  approximately 5125 years. This all suggests that the ancient Maya were aware of the  impending alignment and considered it to be of  such  importance to be a major transition point, the Creation of a new World Age.  In  mythological terms, this event is about  the  union  of First Father with First Mother or, more accurately, the birth  of First Father (the winter solstice sun - the new World Age  ruler) from First Mother (the dark-rift in the Milky Way). The  headline appropriate for the upcoming event is: "Cosmic Mother Gives Birth to The First God."

The  ancient Maya noticed that the winter solstice  sun  was slowly moving towards the Milky Way. Two great markers in the sky were  converging,  presenting a rare  celestial  juncture.  Their calendar  accurately tells us when this will occur, and it meant more  than the birth of a new solar year. It meant the  beginning of  a new Great Cycle of time, the resetting of the great celestial  star-clock  of precession and,  perhaps,  an  unprecedented shift in the nature of human consciousness and civilization.


