Chaos & CompleXity Pdf Library

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Annotated Bibliography

* Click on the numbered index to return to the relevant category!

[1] Abraham, Ralph. Chaos and Complexity.
[2] Abraham, Ralph. The Chaos Revolution. Talk at the Island Group, Santa Cruz, CA. 1992.
[3] Abraham, Ralph. Complex Dynamical Systems. Talk at the Neuchatel GST Summer School. 1998.
[4] Abraham, Ralph, and Terence McKenna. Dynamics of Hyperspace. Santa Cruz. 1983.
[5] Abraham, Ralph, and Alan Garfinkel. The Dynamics of Synchronization and Phase Regulation. 2003.
[6] Abraham, Ralph. The Genesis of Complexity. 2002.
[7] Abraham, Ralph. The Geometry of the Soul. Talk at Stanford University. 1991.
[8] Abraham, Ralph, and Dan Friedman. Landscape Dynamics, Complex Dynamics, and Agent Based Models. 2004.
[9] Abraham, Ralph. Sacred Mathematics and the Chaos Revolution. Talk at The Intl Synergy Inst. 1992.
[10] Abraham, Ralph, and Terence McKenna. Social Synergy Models. Talk at Esalen Inst. 1989.
[11] Abraham, Ralph. A Stairway to Chaos. Talk at the SSC Hearing. 1998.
[12] Abraham, Ralph, and Christopher D. Shaw. Dynamical Systems: A Visual Introduction. Ariel Press.1990.
[13] Laboratory of Computer and Information Science, Neural Networks Research Centre, Helsinki University of Technology. Adaptive Cognitive Systems. Finland. February 2004.
[14] Mella, Piero. Self Organization and Chaos in Collective Phenomena. SIGEF, Napoli, Italy. 2001.
[15] Castiglione, Filippo. Large-scale agent-based models. National Research Council (CNR), Roma, Italy. 2003.
[16] Spitzley, Kai. Dynamics of massive multiagent economies. Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology. 2004.
[17] Jost, Christian. NetLogo User's Guide. 2002.
[18] Wilensky, Uri. NetLogo 2.1.0 User Manual. Northwestern University, IL. 1999.
[19] Complexity / Art and Complex Systems. Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art. 2002.
[20] Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana, and Sandra Ijeoma Irobi. Model Validation, Evolutionary Systems and Semantics of Information. Mälardalen University. 2004.
[21] Computer Science Innovations. n-Dimensional Visualization. Melbourne, FL. 2002.

J. Becker, D. Burkle, R.-T. Happe, and others. Aspects on Data Analysis and Visualization for Complex Dynamical Systems. Springer, 2000.

[23] McGrath, Cathleen, David Krackhardt, and Jim Blythe. Visualizing Complexity in Networks. INSNA USA. 2003.
[24] Carlson, J. M. , and John Doyle. Complexity and Robustness. University of California, Santa Barbara. 2002.
[25] Parrilo, P. and S. Lall. Computational Complexity. CDC 2003.
[26] Fortnow, Lance. The Computational Complexity Column. NEC Laboratories America
[27] Trevisan, Luca. Lecture Notes on Computational Complexity. Computer Science Division, U.C. Berkeley. 2004.

Schreiber, Thomas. Interdisciplinary application of nonlinear time series methods. University of Wuppertal, Germany. 1998.

[29] Quarteroni, Alfio, Riccardo Sacco, and Fausto Saleri. Numerical Mathematics. Springer-Verlag. 2000.
[30] Freeman, Walter J. A proposed name for aperiodic brain activity: stochastic chaos. University of California Berkeley. 2000.
[31] Weng, Gezhi , Upinder S. Bhalla, and Ravi Iyengar. Complexity in Biological Signaling Systems. April 1999.
[32] Dhamala, Mukeshwar, Giuseppe Pagnoni, Kurt Wiesenfeld, and Gregory S. Berns. Measurements of brain activity complexity for varying mental loads. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, VOLUME 65. 2002.
[33] Rauterberg, M., S. Schluep, and M. Fjeld. Modelling of cognitive complexity with Petri nets. Cybernetics and Systems, Vol. 2. 1998.
[34] Erdi, Peter. The Complexity of the Brain: Structural, Functional and
Dynamic Modules. Department of Biophysics
. Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
[35] Rakovi, Dejan, and Djuro Koruga (editors). Consciousness: Scientific Challenge of the 21st Century. European Centre for Peace and Development (ECPD), UN University for Peace. 1996.
[36] Tononi, Giulio, and Gerald M. Edelman. Consciousness and Complexity. December 1998.

Omaha, Nancy. Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching. JALT, Volume 22, Issue 1 & 2 Spring, 1997.

[38] Goertzel, Ben. The Structure of Intelligence: A New Mathematical Model of Mind. Springer-Verlag, 1993.

T. Dorfler, A. Simmel, F.M. Schleif, & E. Sommerfeld. Complexity - Dependent Synchronization of Brain Subsystems During Memorization. University of Leipzig, Germany. 2001.

[40] Hameroff, Stuart R. Ultimate Computing: Biomolecular Consciousness and NanoTechnology. Elsevier Science Publishers. 1987.
[41] Clayton, Keith. Basic Concepts in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. Workshop presented to the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences. 1997.
[42] Zeeman, E.C. Catastrophe Theory.  Scientific American. April 1976.
[43] Shapiro, Joel H. Simple Connectivity and Linear Chaos. 1998.
[44] Lorenz, Edward N. Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1963.
[45] Kuznetsov, Yuri A.  Bifurcation structure of the generalized Henon map. Utrecht University, NL.
[46] McLachlan, Robert I., and G. R. W. Quispel. What kinds of dynamics are there? Lie pseudogroups, dynamical systems, and geometric integration. 2003.
[47] Blondely, Vincent D., and John N. Tsitsiklisz. Overview of complexity and decidability results for three classes of elementary nonlinear systems. 1999.

Davidchack, Ruslan L., Ying-Cheng Lai, Erik M. Bollt, and Mukeshwar Dhamala. Estimating generating partitions of chaotic systems by unstable periodic orbits. The American Physical Society. 2000.

[49] Hart, John C., Louis H., Kau man, and Daniel J. Sandin. Interactive Visualization of Quaternion Julia Sets. University of Illinois at Chicago. 2000.
[50] Jefferies, Paul, and Neil F. Johnson. Designing agent-based market models. Physics Department, Oxford University. 2002.
[51] Farmer, J. Doyne. Toward Agent-Based Models for Investment. Santa Fe Institute. Association for Investment Management and Research. 2001.
[52] Seese, D., and F. Schlottmann. The Building Blocks of Complexity: a unified criterion and selected applications in economics and finance. Germany. 2002.
[53] Arthur, W. Brian. Complexity and the Economy. Santa Fe Institute. 1999.
[54] Agaev, Ilyas, and Yu. A. Kuperin. Multifractal Analysis and Local Hoelder Exponents Approach to Detecting Stock Markets Crashes. Saint-Petersburg State University. Russia. 2004.
[55] Farmer, J. Doyne,Martin Shubik, and Eric Smith. Economics: the next physical science? Santa Fe Institute and Yale University. 2005.
[56] Smith, Lee, and Lilli Segre-Tossani. Advanced Modeling, Visualization, and Data Mining Techniques for a New Risk Landscpape. Risk and Capital Management Seminar. 2003.
[57] Mandelbrot, Benoit. A Multifractal Model of Asset Returns. Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper #1164. 1997.

Cordon, O., F. Gomide, F. Herrera, F. Homann, and L. Magdalena. Ten years of genetic fuzzy systems: current framework and new trends. Elsevier Computer Science. 2004.

[59] Heins, L.G., and D.R. Tauritz. Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART): An Introduction. 1995.
[60] Tanaka, T., and A. Weitzenfeld. Adaptive Resonance Theory. 2002.
[61] Grossberg, Stephen, and Gail Carpenter. Adaptive Resonance Theory. 2004.
[62] Anderson, Dave, and George McNeill. Artificial Neural Networks Technology. Kaman Sciences Corporation. 1992.
[63] Goldman, Sally A. Computational Learning Theory: Lecture Notes for CS 582. Department of Computer Science
Washington University
. 1991.
[64] Anthony, Martin, and Norman Biggs. Computational Learning Theory for Artificial Neural Networks. Department of Statistical and Mathematical Sciences, London School of Economics and Political Science. UK. 2000.
[65] Rouviere, Laurent. Functional Learning with Wavelets. Institut de Math´ematiques et de Mod´elisation de Montpellier. France. 2005.
[66] Bornholdt, Stefan. Genetic Algorithm Dynamics on a Rugged Landscape. The American Physical Society. 1998.
[67] Bonissone, Piero P. Hybrid Soft Computing Systems: Where Are We Going? GE Corporate Research and Development, USA. 2000.
[68] Krose, Ben, and Patrick van der Smagt. An Introduction to Neural Nets.  The University of Amsterdam. 1996.
[69] Muller, Klaus-Robert, Sebastian Mika, Gunner Ratsch, Koji Tsuda, and Bernhard Scholkopf. An Introduction to Kernal-Based Learning Algorithms. IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks, Vol. 12, No. 2, March, 2001.
[70] Mitra, Sushmita, and Yoichi Hayashi. Neuro–Fuzzy Rule Generation: Survey in Soft Computing Framework. IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks, Vol. 12, No. 3, May 2000.
[71] Hush, Don R., and Bill G. Horne. Progress in Supervised Neural Networks. IEEE Siganal Processing Magazine, January, 1993.
[72] Chen, Pai-Hsuen, Chih-Jen Lin, and Bernhard Scholkopf. A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines. Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, and Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. 2003.
[73] Hatcher, Allen. Algebraic Topology. 2000.
[74] Kolar, Ivan, Peter W. Michor, and Jan Slovak. Natural Operations in Differential Geometry. Springer-Verlag. 1993.
[75] MacKay, David J.C. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge University Press 2003.
[76] Michie, D., D.J. Spiegelhalter, and C.C. Taylor (editors). Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification. 1994.
[77] Demuth, Howard, and Mark Beale. Neural Network Toolbox For Use with MATLAB. The MathWorks, Inc. 2004.
[78] Apostol, Tom M. Calculus Volume II: Mlulti-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra, with Applications to Differential Equations and Probability. John Wiley & Sons. 1969.
[79] Teschl, Gerald. Ordinary differential equations and Dynamical Systems. 2001.

Li, Xiang, Yu Ying Jin, Guanrong Chen. Complexity and synchronization of the World trade Web. Elsevier B.V. 2003.

[81] Caldarelli, Guido. Statistical Mechanics of Networks. Coevolution and Self-organisation In dynamical Networks (COSIN). 2003.
[82] Ebel, Holger, Jorn Davidsen, and Stefan Bornholdt. Dynamics of Social Networks. Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Vol. 8, No. 2. 2003.
[83] Ebel, Holger, Jorn Davidsen, and Stefan Bornholdt. Emergence of a Small World from Local Interactions: Modeling Acquaintance Networks. Institute of Theoretical Physics Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Department of Chemistry University of Toronto, Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics University of Leipzig. 2002.
[84] Schwarz, Dr. Eric, Will Durant. Some Streams of Systemic Thought. International Institute for General Systems Studies. 2001.
[85] Li, Xiang, Xiaofan Wang, and Guanrong Chen. Synchronization in Complex Dynamical Networks and Its Applications. Conference on Growing Networks and Graphs in Statistical Physics, Finance, Biology and Social Systems, Roma, 2003.
[86] Kleppner, Daniel, and Roman Jackiw. One Hundred Years of Quantutm Physics.  Science 289, August 11, 2000.
[87] Bellissard, J., O. Bohigas, G. Casati, and D. L. Shepelyansky (editors). Classical Chaos and its Quantum Manifestations. Sputnik Conference of STATPHYS 20. 1998.
[88] Bergh, Sidney van den. A Short Histtory of the Missing Mass and Dark Energy Paradigms. Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, National Research Council, Canada. 2000.
[89] Sauer, Tilman.  The Relativity of Discover: Hilbert's First Note on the Foundation of Physics. Istitute fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, George-August-Universitat Gottingen, Germany. 1998.

O'Raifeartaigh, Lochlain, and Norbert Straumann. Early History of Gauge Theories and Kaluza-Klein: Theories, with a Glance at Recent Developments. 1999.

[91] Siemon, Richard E., Irvin R. Lindemuth, and Kurt F. Schoenberg. Why Magnetized Target Fusion Offers A Low-Cost Development Path for Fusion Energy. Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. 1997.
[92] Tan, C-I. Notes on Hilbert Space. Department of Physics. Brown University. 1998.
[93] Durham, Ian T. A Historical Perspective on the Topology and Physics of Hyperspace. 2000.
[94] Sarfatti, Jacob. Progress in Post-Quantum Theory. Advanced Intelligence Agency, Internet Science Education Project, San Francisco. 1999.
[95] Sarfatti, Jack. What Is The Universe Made Of?. Internet Science Education Project, San Francisco. 2004.
[96] Sarfatti, Jack. Zero Point Energy, Star Gates & Warp Drive. 2002.
[97] Sprott, J. C. Artificial Neural Net Attractors. Comput. & Graphics, Vol. 22 No. 1, Elsevier Science Ltd. 1998.
[98] Sprott, J. C., and D. J. Albers. Routes to Chaos in Neural Networks with Random Weights. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 8, No. 7, World Scientic. 1998.
[99] Sprott, J. C., and Stefan J. Linz. Elementary Chaotic Flow. Physics Letters A 259, Elsevier Science Ltd. 1999.

Sprott, J. C. Simplest Dissipative Chaotic Flow. Physics Letters A 228, Elsevier Science Ltd. 1997.

[101] Schulman, L. S., and B. Gaveau. Complex systems under stochastic dynamics. Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi. 2003.
[102] Albert, Reka, and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi. Statistical mechanics of complex networks. Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 74, January 2002.
[103] Stochastic Calculus Notes, Lecture 5. 2002.
[104] Billings, Lora,Erik M. Bollt, and Ira B. Schwartz. Phase-Space Transport of Stochastic Chaos in Population Dynamics of Virus Spread. Physical Review Letters Vol 88 No. 23, The American Physical Society. 2002.
[105] Evans, Lawrence C. An Introduction To Stochastic Differential Equations. Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley. 2004.
[106] Mohammeda, Salah-Eldin A., and Michael K.R. Scheutzow. The stable manifold theorem for non-linear stochastic systems with memory. Journal of Functional Analysis 205, Academic Press. 2003.


Roskin, K. M., and J. B. Casper. From Chaos to Cryptography. 1999.
[108] Ylem Newsletter. Chaos, Complexity, and Accident. Number. 12 Volume 19 Nov/Dec. 1999.
[109] Herrmann, Felix. Scale Analysis by the Continuous Wavelet Transform. ERL-MIT. 2002.
[110] Perakh, Mark. Defining Complexity. 2004.
[111] Graps, Amara. An Introduction to Wavelets. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 1995.
[112] World Scientific, Nonlinear Science 2001/2002 Catalogue. 2001.

